Archive for you suck

A warning from a Naval Aviator

Posted in 1, Pissed Off, Ramblings...., Soap Box with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on April 10, 2010 by iammaninthemiddle

What have I been saying all along???  (to those who know me)  Wake up folks…  we are in for a civil war of epic proportions…  Read On Dummy!!!!!

Pass it, or ignore it and go back to voting for somebody else’s money to pay your way to health and happiness.

This letter is from Naval Aviator, Commander Jerry Wilson.
Please take time to read what this man has to say………………
  Continue reading

Same sh!t different day…

Posted in Daily Grind with tags on February 24, 2010 by iammaninthemiddle

So…  for the fifth time in a row I get blown off for lunch…  makes you feel real good to know that you mean that much to someone who they can’t even call to let you know… No call, nothing… I understand that life gets in the way… 

I watch over three different businesses, one of which is in another country, with a plethora of employees and clients attached to each… two children… and everything else in my personal life…  I might forget something small like pickup milk or get stamps, but never a commitment that I made to someone that I really care about…   Guess I expect to much of people.

I know I said it before, but…  I am tired of rearranging my schedule so people can blow me off… intentional or not… the result is that same…

Oh well…


A song for the ones I love so much…

Posted in Pissed Off with tags on February 24, 2010 by iammaninthemiddle

Just a little music for the people below…
Not really how I feel, but found it fitting anyway…


I am salty as hell!!!!!!!

Posted in Pissed Off with tags , on February 21, 2010 by iammaninthemiddle

It’s a real shame that my first post has to be this one… but I have a feeling that it will get things in my life out-of-the-way so I can write what I wanted in this space… clean the slate so to speak… As some of you may have noticed, I am just a bit salty… correction… I am salty as hell!!!!!!!

Over the last couple of months I have been very quiet with information and things that have been said to me. I am quiet no more…

“Sean will be fine” – I don’t really know whether to take that one as a compliment or an insult… I’ve heard that allot recently, from a couple of circles that don’t even mingle or cross. I’ll just leave that one alone for now, with more thought put into it over the next couple of weeks…

Recently I had some life altering events and news… I know some people don’t know how to deal with talking to me about some of these things… that’s fine and expected. Yet others look at it with humor… glad I can entertain you in some way with my pain and angst… yet others have all of the answers… tell me Dr…. Where did you get your PhD.?!?! Your life is so f#@cked up, how are you going to help straighten out mine?!?!?! and quit drinking for Christs sake!!! 

I think of people all of the time… While traveling back in October I picked up some great goodies for someone… I thought they were perfect and match them to a “T”… even had one specially made… come to find out that the items were so perfect and they loved them so much that they keep them on the microwave oven in th kitchen… just where I keep my expensive and prized possessions from someone so special… nice to see that it meant that much to you… LMFAO…

Recently I even had a couple who know me for about 10 minutes worth of time start a string of lies and statements that have lasted over six months… The biggest shocker was that, for a fact, I do cocaine!!! Really? When did I start that? Where did you see me do that? How would you know who I supposedly buy it from… Nice circle of friends you must travel in… How do I get around the random federal piss test about every other week? I even offered to buy a Fat Hummy for $5 from her… LMFAO. Is your life that boring or bad that you have to spread lies about me, even to your boyfriend? Pathetic at best…

I let my feeling be known to someone… through the unwanted and unneeded help, all though with good-natured intent…  I think,  of another friend the situation spiraled so out of control, to the point of no return, that this person will not even acknowledge my existence… very heart breaking… thanks, but no thanks. I can f@#ck things up on my own just fine without any help from the outside… and besides… who knows what I do and say better than me? (Evidently I must be wrong though… LMFAO) …how is your relationship doing these days? 

I could go on for days, but I will leave only one more… “You mean the world to me…” “I will always have that special love for you…” “I still love you like you have no idea…” Outside person, “what’s the deal with him”… the answer, “we had a thing once”… Nice to know I was a thing or not even special enough for even a little better answer… puts a lot of recent things in perspective now…  Not LMFAO…

For so many years I have worked very hard to remove the drama from my life and move forward accomplishing many great things… it has been very nice without it… extremely nice!

I will no longer make myself available to anyone but my true friends. The people who are there when I really need them… not an excuse of why they can’t or when it’s convenient for them. As the saying goes, “A friend will help you move… but a true friend will help you move the bodies” I love that… A stupid example is pictures on facebook…  posted many with my “friends” in the picture or of them…  havn’t seen one on anyones site with mee in it…  Oh, that right…  my sisters page, of me drunk…  wonderfull…

 So… If you call and I don’t answer… if you text and I don’t reply… if you email and it comes back bounced… if you see me somewhere and I walk the other direction… you now know why… I AM DONE!

Everyone else take a number and break out your wallets… your going to have to pay, just like Joe Bunyak on the corner…

I refuse to participate in anymore SECRET SQUIRREL bull shit and games… I had the balls to standup, make my claim and move on it to make my life better… if you’re afraid, go buy a blanky or teddy bear and leave me alone… If its complicated or tricky keep it to your self untill you figure it out… Don’t waste my time… I’m not interested…

Have a nice fricken day…